Try These Five Tips for Using Ceiling Fans Along with Your AC
If your goal is to stay cool without jacking up your energy bills, you’ll probably count on your ceiling fan a lot this summer. A common technique is to run a fan without AC until it gets really hot, then switch the fan off and use the air conditioner instead. This is a mistake! Having the ceiling fan and air conditioner simultaneously is the most beneficial way to increase comfort and energy savings.
It may seem excessive to use two cooling methods simultaneously, but fans make your air conditioner more powerful. Try these five tips to help you get more from your air conditioning system this summer.
Install a Ceiling Fan
First things first—if you don’t already have ceiling fans in your home, look into installing some. You should be able to swap out any light fixture in the heart of the room for a smooth, efficient and stylish ceiling fan.
Bear in mind that ceiling fans work best when the blades sit seven to nine feet above the floor, 10 to 12 inches from the ceiling, and at least 18 inches from the walls. This means your ceilings must be at the least eight-feet high, and rooms with vaulted ceilings might not benefit as much.
As you may imagine, longer fans can propel more air than smaller sized ones. Opt for a 36- to 44-inch diameter fan for rooms approximately 225 square feet and 52-inch fans for larger rooms. You can also put in multiple fans in a line to cool rooms longer than 18 feet.
Confirm the Fan’s Direction
Ceiling fans can spin in both directions. Make sure yours is set to spin counterclockwise in the summertime. This forces air back down to make the breeze appear more obvious.
If you’re not sure whether your fan is spinning the right way, switch it on and sit exactly underneath it. If the breeze seems weak for how quickly the blades are rotating, you probably need to switch the direction.
Some fans have a remote control, usually if they’re fitted on a vaulted ceiling. Search for a button on the remote to change the direction. If your fan doesn’t possess a remote, feel around the motor housing for a reversing switch.
Ceiling fans can turn either way because pushing the air upward is useful for lowering heating bills in the winter. So when the seasons change, adjust your fan to rotate clockwise and keep it on low to circulate warm air near the ceiling back toward the living room without generating a breeze. This method is particularly helpful in stairwells and rooms with vaulted ceilings.
Turn Up the Thermostat
You have to turn up the thermostat to make the most of energy savings from using a ceiling fan in the summer. Don’t be afraid of feeling uncomfortable—the “wind chill” effect created by using a ceiling fan makes the room feel about 4 degrees cooler. This concept, which can make winter weather miserable, is the key to home comfort and energy savings in the summer.
If you normally keep your house around 75 degrees, try readjusting the thermostat to 77 or 78 degrees to compensate for the wind chill effect made by running a ceiling fan. Then, change your outfit to enhance your comfort level even more. Dressing for the season permits you to optimize comfort while minimizing cooling costs.
Switch Off the Fans in Unoccupied Areas
It’s a widespread assumption that ceiling fans lower the temperature in the room. Sure, they make you feel cooler, but all they do is move air around. As a result, there’s not a good reason to keep a ceiling fan moving in an empty room. Fans will cost pennies on the dollar to use versus air conditioners, but every little bit helps, so turn off the fan if you’re the last person to leave the room.
See Your Energy Savings Grow
If you follow the tips detailed above, you should notice a reduction in your air conditioning expenses throughout the summer. After all, you can save nearly 3 percent on your cooling costs for each degree you adjust the thermostat. And by using the wind chill effect formed by the ceiling fan, you can experience savings without giving up comfort.
Keep Cool with Help from Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning
Truly, you shouldn’t overlook the impact ceiling fans can have on your home comfort this summer! If you need air conditioning services at any point, look to Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning to resolve your problem fast. Our technicians can help your air conditioner run as effectively as possible, ensuring it works along with your ceiling fans to keep your home and family comfortable for less. Call us today to schedule an appointment with the HVAC pros at Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning.